Welcome to the bushparty 5.0 official website. This page will provide you with all the information you need, if you plan to attend the scene-event in the year of '98 here in Norway. This is just a preliminary site, because we have not decided all the details about the party yet, and we will continue to fill in the blanks when things are falling into place.
This year we have decided to use a bigger hall than we had last year. bushparty 5.0 will be held in a sports centre called Porsgrunnshallen, which is more than twice the size of the previous party locations. Also this hall is much closer to Porsgrunn city, and that again means more shops, disco's -- whatever. The party starts 25th of June and we'll keep the show going 'til the 28th.
Here you have two options... Either by train or car.. If your a train-kinda-guy you'll take the train to Porsgrunn station and walk (or grab a taxi) about 500 meters to the party place. If your going by car just drive to Porsgrunn and ask someone where Porsgrunnshallen is.. If you don't know where Porsgrunn is you can use this excellent route planner:
There will be competitions as always. Most likely; Demo, 64kb, Music, Graphics, Fastintro etc.
The price this year is set to 300,- NOK. If you purchase tickets in advance the price is 250,- NOK. To reserve tables you have to buy tikets BEFORE the party. The online ticket ordering system will be up very soon! The party-place only holds about 600 people so if you want to get a good place, then you should reserve tables by buying tickets in advance -- and save some bucks as well.
For now you can contact us by sending a e-mail to twinny@bushparty.com. ..the end..