Thank you for purchasing Planet Scene - Audio Special Music is in general important for many people, nearly noone can live without music. But when music is mainly made for making money then it's often loosing quality. Just see all the cheap 'Superstar' and casting shows on TV or listen to an average radio station. This makes you sick (atleast when your brain is intact). This CD contains some of the finest music from many different scene musicians. It's a good mix of the best demo soundtracks and tracks from various music competitions (tracked and streamed music), ranging from the first half of the 90s til 2004. If you want to see the demos from which the music was taken then is a good place to start (the demo is named when it's a demo soundtrack). If you want more music then is the place to be. Here you can tune in to 'Nectarine', the 24h scene music radio. Maybe you have also luck and a local free radio station is playing scene music. But now: Start your favorite player, turn up the volume of your hi-fi set and lean back. With good music 13 hours can be damn short :-) Michael 'Crest' Menz